Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rust and Metal

Bruco fire truck
Recently I saw that one on TV. Awesome! That actually would be an alternative for a tour across the country. What a beast!

I find myself watching these strange shows all the time during the evenings these days, people picking loads of old junk out of piles of even more old junk to sell in their antiques store, other guys buying crap on wheels, restoring the cars, and then flipping them again. And what awesome cars they are restoring! All that amazing stuff from the fifties and sixties, sometimes even back to the thirties, from muscle cars to fifties pick-up trucks and sedans, it's all there. My hobby for retirement! And in fact during recent years I've sometimes fantasized about pulling that old and rusty '69 Camaro out of some barn and restore it over the course of probably a few years. Yeah, if I'll ever have that kind of time and money...

I also read stuff on the internet about motors. Now I understand at least in principle how a motor works, two-stroke, four-stroke, crankshaft and camshaft/valvetrain, turbocharger, compression ratio, TURBO BOOST...no wait, that was something different!

I guess I'm in mechanical mode right now. I'll have to talk to my dealer, maybe I can still get that basic repair course done before the trip after all.

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