Friday, May 31, 2013

Brooklyn, Revisited...

Some time ago, I spent a day in Brooklyn, and even though I definitely found many beards and interesting hair styles, it wasn't exactly the type I was looking for. So I went again. And this time I hit the Bull's Eye.

Turns out, Brooklyn's Broadway actually is the border to hipster land. Walk up north from it, and suddenly the environment changes. You see stuff like that on the right, you see people with beards, suspenders, strange hats; the flannel shirts are there; all the cliché boxes are ticked.

Here are a few random pictures from Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Just abandoned.
Feels like Shoreditch.
Vintage Garb for Man, Woman, and Beast.
That probably rivals my favorite London dentist.
Now that guy is cool!
Letting guests in, one at a time.

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