Monday, July 1, 2013

Little Torch Key

Riding a motorcycle at night without helmet, jacket and all that gear really gives you a feeling of freedom and derring-do. Not bad. Not bad at all...

I'm in a hammock, at night, under a tree, looking out over the water at the neighboring island, listening to the sounds of the night. I can only reach this level of peace when listening to cicadas, on a mild summer night in the south...


  1. Ohhhh, wie toll! Ich hab jetzt zwar auch ne Hängematte auf der Terasse - aber von Zikaden keine Spur ...
    Liebe Grüße aus dem Münchner Sommer (morgen gehn wir aufs Tollwood und trinken mal ein Bier auf Dich),

  2. Hey Christian, it's been quite a while since your last post... how are things?
