Friday, July 12, 2013


I'm still not sure what to think about smoking cigars. In normal circumstances, and especially for young guys, it strikes me as rather pretentious and ridiculous. And in the company of non-smokers, it is simply obnoxious. That said, in tropical regions, where it is a part of life, and as a relaxing pastime during holidays, I just have come to really enjoy it.

On Key West, I have found a little family-owned cigar factory that employs ten rollers. I bought a box of their cigars, and I really like them. I still think that those cigar fanatics that think (or pretend?) they taste orange, vanilla, chocolate and leather in their cigars (or in their wine, for that matter) have had a drink too much to accompany them. But in the taste of the smoke I recognize the nice smell of the unburned tobacco, and that is beautiful.

A walkaround my New Orleans hotel's labyrinth of courtyards and balconies.

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