Thursday, July 25, 2013


I was at the Kennedy Memorial in Dallas when some guy just started talking to me about the area. It was immediately clear what he was up to, but he gave a nice talk and showed me around a bit, so I thanked him, gave him a tip, and so ended up at the Kennedy assassination site.

Citizens expressing their doubts.
Standing there for a while, imagining what went down, the place gains something eerie, a feeling of recentness, as if the events were still reverberating around the place.

It is also a very inconclusive feeling, somehow unresolved. Is it the site of an assassination by a confused person, or the site of a major conspiracy? Is the window the place where the shots were fired, or where false evidence was planted to support some made-up story, where Oswald was set up?

The fatal spot is marked with an X.
Later that evening two guys approached me and asked whether I'm from Dallas, and said that apparently nobody around is from Dallas, so I launched into an impromptu tour of the area, relaying my knowledge gained from cell phone Wikipedia and landmark plaques. Apparently I have one more backup career if everything else fails.

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